Leadership is identical with guidance and direction to instructional improvement. Realizing this, Jyothi Nikethan has brought in a leadership and management structure which demands performance based accountability. Certain accomplished people of the organization have been selected for being capable enough to hold responsible positions for the overall guidance and direction of the organization, and ultimately for its performance Thus we have the Principal heading the school with the Vice Principals and Deputy Vice Principals, working towards handling all the academic, co- curricular, administrative and student welfare needs, related to the section of the school they are in charge of. The Manager looks into the Administrative level of operations. He aids the effective processes that are involved in the running of the school and its facilities. Jyothi Nikethan Also maintains Head of the Department of Health, Development and Education Support, physical and emotional health, counselling and special education needs of students, parental training etc.. Every branch/subject Heads of School are assisted by a Subject Leader, a Curriculum Leader, an Administrative Co-ordinator, and a Co-curricular Co-ordinator, evidence/reports/documents maintaining co-ordinator. This specifies their roles and makes way for effective execution, monitoring and accountability in each area.