Jyothi Nikethan English Medium School has established in the year 2003. The school has been growing as the premier institution, which delivers its promise of “excellence in education “with more than 2600 students and is shining, glowing and stamped its feet on the success of its voyage. It is shafted by dedicated competed and highly qualified teachers who create and foster the ethos for all-round growth and progress of the students. The ambience inside the campus serene and salubrious which facilitates a proper environment for education and fruitful training of life. Our school is always be a beacon of light, guiding the destiny of its students and radiating kindness and compassion to the society at large. Our school plays a vital role in generating the value system of a society. Nestled between beautiful lawns and gardens with exotic flowers adoring them. The school fills the ambience with fragrance of knowledge. Jyothi Nikethan envisions a robust, vibrant and holistic education that will engender excellence in every sphere of human endeavour. Our school is committed to provide quality education to promote intellectual, social, cultural vivacity among its leaders. It works towards evolving a learning process and environment, which empowers the future citizens to become a global leaders in the emerging knowledge society. Our school provides stress-free learning environment that will develop competent, confident and enterprising citizens who will promote harmony and peace. “Intelligence plus character” that is our prime motto, this is the goal of true education. We educate the minds of coming future generation by giving gentle love of touch to their hearts. We will kindle the fire of knowledge and let our children, the promise of tomorrow to fly in colours and spread the power of peace, love, wisdom among youth and lead our nation to the zenith of glory.